My final episode to add to the English Paper Pieced Crown Sewalong and after joining the pieces together and a few days of basting we are now ready for the crown construction. This crown is almost finshed!
You can head back to the start of the sewalong if you are joining me today for the first time. Has all instructions in on how to make your crown. This sewalong is here to help with videos of the process.
Constructing the Crown
First job in constructing the crown is to take your papers out which involves ironing! I swear that sewing is the only time I ever do any ironing, except if Mr Two Tiny requests a shirt iron which is scarce to say the least!! Head to the video for the whole process of construction:
Top tips
- When you’ve taken out the papers give them a quick iron so that they are flat for future use.
- Don’t iron the interfacing the wrong way round and use a spare bit of material to protect your iron.
- Don’t forget to add in your elastic or alternative way to tie.
- Leave your openings open when you sew the crown together.
- Cut the tips and in the V off your crown once sewn together, don’t cut the thread.
- Use the elastic to help turn your crown.
- Pin the elastic in place for size guides.
Enjoy your finished crown!
I’ve really enjoyed making this sewalong and the videos, I do hope that it was an added help in making your English Paper Pieced Crown. I hope that you will want to make more!
Don’t forget to share your progress over on your socials, tag me @twotinymakes, use the hashtag #EnglishPaperPiecedCrowns. I always love to see your progress.
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