Another episode to add to the English Paper Pieced Crown Sewalong and after a few days of basting we are now ready for joining your pieces together. We will really start to see this take shape!

You can head back to the start of the sewalong if you are joining me today for the first time. Until the 24/12/21 you can get 15% off the English Paper Pieced Crown digital pattern in my Etsy shop with the code CROWNSEWALONG ad has all instructions in on how to make your crown. This sewalong is here to help with videos of the process.

Joining the Pieces

Today we are going to join our basted pieces together using a stitch called a whip stitch. Head to the video for the whole process:

Top tips

  • Secure the thread at the start to make your knot.
  • Add extra stitches/knots at places where you are joining a few shapes together.
  • Keep your stitches small and close together.

Hope that this all helps and is adding to your English Paper Pieced Crown making experience! I am really enjoying making the videos, so I’m calling it a win.

The next part of the sewalong will go over how to construct your crown. I’ll bring it to you mid week next week. Enjoy sewing your crown together.

Don’t forget to share your progress over on your socials, tag me @twotinymakes, use the hashtag #EnglishPaperPiecedCrowns. I always love to see your progress.

