Here we are another month has rolled by and we are now in July!  It’s a very special month for me as it was when my first born arrived, 8 years ago now and It has all the joyful memories of having him in my life.  If you caught my Sea Glass Moment blog a month ago, you’ll know that the stars shone bright and told me that a Summer of Joy was in order.  Re-finding the things that bring me joy and actually working on them.  A month in and I thought I would share The Joy of Make Time with you!

Make Time

Firstly, it’s very easy to say, look at all the things I am doing.  I am choosing to drop some things and purposely not do things so that I can do some of these things.  In “8 Ways to Make more Creative Time” I detailed a few things that get in the way of the Joyful things.  Social media scrolling, chores, responsibilities, to name a few.  Where sometimes you have to do things, others I repurpose.  The chores, my kids don’t realise they’ve been helping me do them this month for instance.

I’ve sat reading while they play rather than looking at my phone.  So much more joy reading a book than looking at Facebook!  I’ve prioritised me.

In the Make Time Community, this is the type of discussion we have.  Figuring out ways we can create, time and space in our lives to do the all the Joyful things, which when you see my list below you’ll see is heavy on the crafting and creative side.  The pursuit of the daily creative path…

A Summer of Joy

I chose a list of things that are going to bring me joy this summer.  Not things I need to do, things I want to that I don’t make time for.  It was and wasn’t a difficult list to create.  I needed to be realistic with what I know I could achieve and so far during June it’s been very interesting.

a view in my bullet journal

My main areas are my creative pursuits.  A couple of patchwork projects, my Two Tiny Makes projects and drawing, digitally and in pencil.  I also added in my exercise and have grouped it with my paid and free exercise.  Knowing it was Summer I knew I wanted to make time with the family so I have a chart for them, their day trips and nights away.  Lastly reading and DiY in the hallway.

It’s been surprising, while I thought I’d be ticking off a lot of day trips, actually because of school these have been weekend affairs. Reading each day has been one of the biggest achievements.

Let’s have a look at what I have been working on.

Mushy-Rooms Embroidery Templates

A new Two Tiny Makes project for embroidery mushrooms.


Little Flo’s Flowers Tiny House Book

I finished off this Tiny House Book in the Sew a Tiny House Book in a Month, have a go at this yourself if you’ve ever wanted step by step help in sewing your own Tiny House Busy book.

Focus Cutting Sew Along Blocks

Carrying on making and sewing blocks for the Focus Cutting Sewalong.  Here is a round up of all that I have made this month.  Not following any kind of strict weekly prompt just joining in for fun!

a collection of honeycomb hexagon blocks

My Beaufort Quilt

Another fun and pushing my comfort zone patchwork project is my Beaufort Quilt, slowly working my way through blocks!

beaufort quilt blocks

Collecting the Sea Glass Pieces

The main purpose behind making time for the joy is getting to track the joy, for everything I manage I get to collect a colour for my sea glass quilt.  Now a month has gone by I decided to tally up and see how my pieces look.  Life and soul mean I haven’t managed to cut up my browns and blacks yet but you can start to see how this will look by the end of the summer.

Sea glass quilt

I love it!  All the blues are my creative pursuits, purple is my exercise, green is family time and my missing colours are browns for reading and blacks for working on the house.  It really is coming together better than I imagined.  Seeing each and everyone of those pieces in place feels like a real treat.  I totally earnt each and everyone of them!

It really has been a blast working on some neglected projects recently, I always go from project to project and don’t always see it all through.  So now I am making time for these I am pretty pleased with myself!