If you’re anything like me you are really frustrated by the amount of waste and commercialism in and around Christmas. So much advertisement and sparkle that is shoved in our faces that sometimes it’s hard to not get swept up along in it. Its got me thinking that we really all should do a little better, so I thought I’d share with you a few different ways on How to Reduce Waste this Christmas.
Take the time to have the discussion with family NOW, it’s really great to give and receive presents but quite often it’s out of a sense of duty. We don’t need more random stuff in our lives to make us happy. There’s always things we need but getting things we don’t want for the sake of it is just frustrating.
For example, let’s talk candles, some people love them and use them all the time. Me personally, I have a young family, zero space and can’t ever light a candle at home as the kids won’t leave it alone and is blown out, wax tipped on the carpet, and so on. It’s just not a me present, the only time they come in handy is when there’s a power cut, and even then the little dears still love blowing them out!
Have a chat with the gift givers and receivers in your family to actually figure out what you all do need or not at all! If it’s expensive, club together to get the one thing that is needed!
It doesn’t have to a thing. Experiences are a good idea, you can cash it in and have quality family time at some other warmer time of the year. Theme parks, days out, food tasting, cookery courses, the list is endless and the memories are real
Make Handmade
This is easier said than done, but it can be simple. Bake cookies, cakes or mince pies. Make up a hot chocolate kit or pancake making kit. Get out your sewing machine and make a Tiny House Book. Dust of some other skills, knit or crochet, draw or paint.
Having kids like me presents is a tough one. As much as I love to make or buy handmade, sometimes you just get the BIG request – lego, computer games, phones, sparkly rainbow unicorns that fly. Talk with them about the ONE present. If it’s massive and big cost, club together, tell them it’s from people not from Santa.
For the littles, Father Christmas is a big deal. Of course he is, you put out a sack and you get presents in return. Think about the message. I like to see Santa get little things, so that no child ever thinks they’ve been bad and not get one of those high ticket items – they come from Mum & Dad!
I love this list for the kids:
- Play – Something like a game or jigsaw
- Read – A book or comic
- Eat – An orange & chocolate coins
- Make – Pencils/Pens and something Crafty
- Wear – Socks or Pants
- Use – A toothbrush or hair bobbles
Always fond in my memory is the Christmas when my eldest was 4 and he told the teacher he got a toothbrush from Santa for Christmas! So simple and something they will undoubtably need!
This list is low cost too and I urge you to take a look in Charity Shops, Market places and Preloved sites. I often manage to get a new jigsaw or game at these places for pennies.
Lastly, Christmas Cards. Do you need to send them? Could you donate money to charity instead of sending cards? Do you do a round robin catch up in your cards? Send it by an email or a whatsapp message, tell them you’ve donated some money instead of buying them this year.
There is so much paper waste around at Christmas and some times it’s just not needed.
My biggest bug bear is Christmas Crackers and the Paper Crowns. Its always me that ends up picking it up off the floor, the plastic “toy” is hardly what I call a toy and just ends up in the bin. Last year I came up with reusable Christmas Crackers and swiftly followed the reusable Christmas Crown. Making handmade versions just means you can fill them with lovely things rather than tat!
Those Christmas Cards! If you really want to send them why not use it as a craft activity with the littles, make your own. Adds more meaning and you can still recycle them. You can get eco cards to plant too, they would be fun to see wildflowers grow!
The wrapping Paper! Use brown or news paper that can be recycled, pair it up with twine and not ribbon with a bit of greenery from the garden. Try fat quarter fabric to wrap with for someone that sews. Use a new tea towel to wrap with or an apron. T-Shirts too!
It’s taken a huge mindset shift on food at Christmas. I always remember having all the food in the house at Christmas as a kid. Days and days’ worth. It’s just not necessary, don’t over buy. Have the food for a Christmas meal and a few extra bits.
Worried about not having something? The shops will be open the next day, the little paper shops are often open on boxing day. You will not starve, do not over buy.
Give spare food to Food Banks if you can. There are people out there that genuinely can’t afford the extras that you are worrying yourself over.
If money is tight, fed is better than fancy. Remember that the people you are spending time with matter.
Have a leftover plan in place. If you know that you are not going to be able to eat all, get guests to bring a container to take some home. Give a thought to your lone neighbours, would they appreciate a little from you?
Hope that helps?
Does that help highlight a few ways on how to reduce waste this Christmas? Have you got any other ideas? Feel free to share them with me in the comments.
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