Having a bit of throw back Thursday today by sharing my Christmas Quilt with you from 2019. It was the first time I had ever joined in with a quilting bee and probably the last! A group of quilters around Europe joined together to sew each other a set of quilt blocks each month so that an interesting quilt could be easily thrown together.

My month was November and with it being so close to Christmas I thought it would be fun to get my group to choose Christmas fabric to help me sew my quilt. I chose the Double Star Block from Blossom Heart Quilts. It felt festive!

a star cross quilt block in red gold and green there is a snowman in the middle

I didn’t expect to get resistance from my Bee group but I did. I had asked for a little bit of fussy cutting on the corners and centre of my blocks. A new skill to learn perhaps for some but alas no and when I was meant to get a set of 24 blocks for my quilt meant I only ever got 20 blocks as 2 people never sent anything. I don’t hold grudges though so I consider it their loss and I whipped my smaller quilt together in time for christmas!

lots of stars and a truly scrapy looking red/goldgreen quilt top

Some Close up shots

It’s super scrappy and I love it! It being a Christmas quilt means it’s the perfect thing to snuggle under every year. The kids love looking at all the pictures and it gives me smile at this time of year.

Have a lovely Christmas. I’ll be back with the blog in the new year. Hope to see you on the other side!

Karen x x x