Impulse sewing took effect last weekend in the form of embroidery with the boy and I’d like to wish you a Merry Stitchmas! It all started with a sewalong on Instagram organised by Stacey from A Crafty Little Mouse. To join in with her Merry Stichmas embroidery sewalong, I watched from a far for a fair few weeks with no real intention to join in, even though I was keen to.
At the weekend my 5 year old asked to do some sewing. He has his own little stitchers kit with hoop that he’s had since lockdown in the Summer. He’d only ever done random sitching until now so I thought it was time for him to try a project. I set him up with a hoop that said Merry Christmas on it and taught him how to back stitch. He was great at it. While he was sewing I had the urge to join in too.
The Christmas patterns that A Crafty Little Mouse had made were super cute so I quickly downloaded her pattern and set myself up with a hoop too. Meanwhile the boy finished his sewing and we decided to use Staceys Banner pattern to make a hanging out of his stitches. He’s not used the sewing machine before so it was a real treat to sit on my knee and watch how it all worked. He had a play with the foot and fed the machine pressing the buttons, using the iron and such.
He was extremely proud of his make so much so he rang his Gran to show her too. I’m really impressed with it and I’ll be keeping it as a Christmas decoration in our house forever more. I might even put a label on the back that says R age 5 on the back. He’s awesome.
My project became a bit bigger than his and I used some of the text and shapes from Staceys pattern. That was my Saturday night sewing sorted and the next day! I love the effect of sewing in the day, because I was soon asked can I sew something for someone by the boy. Happy to oblige I set him going with another similar project. Meanwhile I finished off my banner
I was proud of this as I’ve never really made any Christmas decorations for myself before. It was a true impulse sew too, and they make me very happy!
The boys next project was a little snow flake banner that he wanted to gift to his teacher. Again he helped construct it on the machine after sewing the snowflake. He was really happy and I love getting to spend that quality learning time with him
This is the first in a few Christmas based posts that I’ll be sharing with you over the next week… It’s close now!! Have a Merry Sitchmas!
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